Pasadena City College Noncredit Course
Department: Community Education Center
ESL 1031 English as a Second Language — Level 5
Course Description: High-Intermediate/Advanced English. This course is designed for students to demonstrate English proficiency in the four basic skills to meet most life/work-related demands with little problem. Students develop skills at the cognitive level in preparation to transition to higher education, career training, and active participation in the community.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
1. Give a well-prepared speech on a given topic, using outside resources.
2. Summarize, orally, a reading, lecture, or broadcast.
3. Speak fluently in formal and informal conversations.
1. Demonstrate understanding of broadcast information.
2. Demonstrate understanding of verbal instructions /procedures, including idioms.
3. Demonstrate understanding of informal conversations among fluent speakers of English, without much repetition or rewording.
1. Demonstrate appropriate reading strategies for understanding content on unfamiliar topics in a variety sources. Use strategies such as: skim, scan, preview, and predict.
2. Interpret main ideas and key passages of various types of readings such as: short stories, non-fiction, manuals, and magazine and newspapers articles.
3. Interpret a variety of forms such as: applications, graphs, and charts.
1. Demonstrate pre-writing activities such as: brainstorming, clustering, and outlining.
2. Write descriptive, narrative, and/or expository essays.
3. Summarize media presentations, lectures, and interviews.
Critical Thinking:
1. Identify and solve complex problems.
2. Implement solutions.
Information Competency:
Use technology, effectively, to locate, retrieve, and evaluate information.
Social Responsibility:
1. Participate in school/community activities
2. Participate actively in group-activities.
Textbook & Workbook: Passages 1. Richards/Sandy, Cambridge University Press, 2005 Edition.
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