Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Hello Class, 

This week we're studying what makes things funny.  Do you have a good sense of humor?  Is humor different in different countries? 

Let's explore ideas, or theories, what makes something funny or humorous.

"Humor can be dissected, or cut up, as a frog can,” author E. B. White wrote, “but the frog dies in the process and the insides of the frog are ugly to most people, except for those with a scientific mind.” 

Start with this:

TED Talk: What Makes Things Funny?

...and here:  The Skill of Humor

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Quizlet Link & Study Guide

Hi L4 Class, Here is a link to join Quizlet when we use this website in class and work on our vocabulary. Click here:  Quizlet Vocabular...