Sunday, November 24, 2019

Writing Final Information

Hello L2 Class,

Here is what you need to know to pass your writing final.
This is important!!! 
1.)  Use a lined piece of notebook paper and a pen.  Bring those on the day of the exam.
2.)  Testing Rules:  During writing practice and the writing final, there is absolutely no talking. This is not a group test, it is an individual test of your writing ability at Level 2.  If you have a question, ask the teacher.  There are no cell phones or books.  You must do your own work.  When you are finished, give your paper to the instructor and remain quiet so that others can continue their work without interruption. 
3.)  You will be given the topic and told when to start and when to finish. 
4.)  Format:   Write your name and date at the topic of your paper.  Give your paragraph a title.  Indent on the first line of your paragraph.  Remember “the hamburger”: introduction, support, and conclusion. Space your writing on every other line (skip 1 line and start the next). 
Here is how you will be graded on writing practice tests and the final writing test, your teacher will attach this paper to your writing so you know your skill level and area for improvement:

Not developed   = 0 pts.
Developing  =   1 pt.
Developed  =   1.5 pts.
Well-Developed  2 pts.
No example of progress according to the standard and writing format that we studied in class.  Many errors.

The writing shows some progress by talking about the prompt question, however, there are many incorrect spellings, grammar errors, etc.

The writing shows progress with few errors.  The writing talks about the prompt question and has a clear beginning, middle and end. 
The writing shows clear progress, addresses the prompt question clearly, and shows development of writing skills with almost no errors.

1.  Content  (6 points)   =  _________ /6
a.  The prompt question is clearly and completely answered.  ____
b.  Topic and concluding sentences are clear.  ____
c.   Supporting sentences and details are clear and develop the main idea of the paragraph.  ____
2.  Grammar and Use (8 points)  =  _______/8
a.  Level 2 verbs are correct.   ________
b.  Level 2 grammar is correct.   __________
c.   Level 2 vocabulary, conjunctions, and transitions are correct.  ________
d.  Sentences are complete and follow correct word order.   _________
3.  Mechanics  (6 points)  =  _______/6
a.  Paragraph neatly follows the writing format studied in class, with indenting, margins, and title.  _______
b.   Capital letters and punctuation are correct in the paragraph.   _______
c.  Level 2 spelling is correct. _______
Total  _______ /20        Percent ________       Pass _________     No Pass ________

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Quizlet Link & Study Guide

Hi L4 Class, Here is a link to join Quizlet when we use this website in class and work on our vocabulary. Click here:  Quizlet Vocabular...