Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Writing a Paragraph and Grammar Practice

Hello GCC Level 2 Class,

We are busy, busy today! 

In the computer lab, we're going to be focusing on the following lessons:

1. Writing!  We are going to review the fundamentals of writing and what makes an excellent paragraph.

Remember: the key to any great paragraph is a clear introduction, 3 supporting examples, and a conclusion.

Think about a hamburger:  The top part of the bun is your introduction, "the meat" is the support, the bottom of the bun is your conclusion. 

2.  You can review the Superlative form on your SBS interactive program. 

3.  You can also follow the links to practice online lessons.

SUPERLATIVES - Click here for practice.

COMPARATIVES & SUPERLATIVES - Go here for practice. 


Your Teacher,

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Quizlet Link & Study Guide

Hi L4 Class, Here is a link to join Quizlet when we use this website in class and work on our vocabulary. Click here:  Quizlet Vocabular...