Friday, October 4, 2019

Conversation: The Weather

Hello Conversation Class:

Here is your assignment today:

THE WEATHER REPORT.              

BREAKING NEWS:  There is a weather advisory. 

We have news that a ______________ is heading our way.   (Choose one or provide your own: Hurricane?  Tornado?  Rainstorm? Sandstorm? Snowstorm?)

LESSON:  You and your team are weather reporters at the local television station in your town.

1)     Decide on a weather event, what is happening?

2)     Where is the weather system now?

3)     Who will it affect?  Is everyone going to experience the bad weather?

4)     How should people prepare for the weather?  Should they stay home?  Should they go to a shelter?  Should they be sure to have extra water and food supplies?  What about pets?

5)     How long will the bad weather last?  One day OR more? 

6)     What does the local mayor say?  What about police and firemen/women?

7)     What will the weather be like after the storm passes?

Teacher Bonnie

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Quizlet Link & Study Guide

Hi L4 Class, Here is a link to join Quizlet when we use this website in class and work on our vocabulary. Click here:  Quizlet Vocabular...